Firemath - The MathML Editor
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FAQ — Questions and Answers
Why is Firemath based on Firefox?
Firefox is a great browser, it can easily be extended using
XUL and
and — most importantly — Firefox renders
Does Firemath support presentation markup and/or content markup?
Firmath generates presentation markup.
What is the difference between presentation markup and content markup?
Consider expression
It can have different meanings like take the
power of
or consider the
element of tensor
In presentation markup you say that you want an
with a superscript
You don't give hints on the meaning of the expression. In content markup one
rather specifies the content, i.e. the meaning, while the rendering
associated with a particular content must be described somewhere else. See the
MathML documentation for further details.
What is MathML?
MathML is the mathematical markup language. In the way HTML is used to
specify textual and image content, MathML is used to describe equations.
What is the difference between function, identifier, operator, and text?
Use identifier for all numbers and variables and sometimes for functions.
A function is an identifier followed by MathML operator ⁡
For example, you should use function for the
in an expression like
applies to what follows on the right.
Operators are elements like '+' or '=', but sometimes also expressions like 'NOT'.
Use text whenever the element consists of plain words.
Operators are elements like '+' or '=', but sometimes also expressions like 'NOT'.
Use text whenever the element consists of plain words.
How do I enforce a number entry (<mn>)?
Shift-click onto the identifier button.
Why do I use the identifier button for both, numbers and variables?
Firemath automatically recognizes numbers, at least decimal numbers.
How does copy/paste work?
[Requires Firemath 0.9 or later] Use the 'Paste MathML' entry from the
'Edit' menu of Firemath for pasting MathML content stored on the
clipboard. The content gets inserted at the cursor position.
For copying elements you have three options. First, the 'Copy MathML' entry in the 'Edit' menu copies the entire equation. Second, the 'Copy Object' entry in the same menu copies the object under the cursor, indepentedly if this is a single or composed object.
The third option is the most advanced but also most difficult possibility. It allows to copy consecutive elements. Place the cursor on the first/last element to get copied and control-click onto the last/first one. Note that this only works, if the first and last element are on the same 'level' within the MathML hierarchy. Copying worked, if the cursor changed its positon to the clicked element. If unsure, first open a new Firemath tab and paste the content there.
For copying elements you have three options. First, the 'Copy MathML' entry in the 'Edit' menu copies the entire equation. Second, the 'Copy Object' entry in the same menu copies the object under the cursor, indepentedly if this is a single or composed object.
The third option is the most advanced but also most difficult possibility. It allows to copy consecutive elements. Place the cursor on the first/last element to get copied and control-click onto the last/first one. Note that this only works, if the first and last element are on the same 'level' within the MathML hierarchy. Copying worked, if the cursor changed its positon to the clicked element. If unsure, first open a new Firemath tab and paste the content there.
What are fences?
Think of fences as brackets. You can individually specify the characters of the
opening and closing fence. Moreover, you can specify characters used to separate the various elements
contained within the fences. These separators default to commas ','. An example, in which the three
attributes are set in a creative way is
Here the separator was set to ':', while the opening and closing fences are ')' and ']', respectively.
In Firemath the separators for ket and bra fences
default to '|', while they default to commas otherwise.
In Firemath the separators for ket and bra fences
![Bra and Ket vectors](/images/buttons/fences_langle_rangle.png)
How do I quickly clear the equation panel?
Just reload Firemath.
I need a special symbol/operator, which I can't find on one of the buttons.
If you believe that element is missing in the sense that it would also be helpful for
other users, please make an entry in our
discussion board. In the meantime you can help yourself if you
know the
unicode code of your symbol.
For instance, entering € (yes, these eight characters) into the
text field and clicking the text button displays the Euro
currency symbol.
Be careful: In doubt, start a second Firemath session in another tab and try if that works.
Be careful: In doubt, start a second Firemath session in another tab and try if that works.
Why do we need a Normal button in the
attributes panel?
Commonly used rendering rules for identifiers (also applied by Firefox) are as follows.
Identifiers are rendered italic if they consist of a single character, and non-italic otherwise.
Sometimes you want identifiers (like
to be non-italic, which can be enforced using the normal button.
After inserting a new element, one of the operators suddenly became huge.
Enclose elements, which logically belong together, by an
<mrow>. Alternatively, specify the sizes of
elements via the attributes button.
When copying/saving MathML code, what are the different options?
Choosing 'Complete XHTML / HTML5', your equation will be embedded in the
envelope necessary to get a valid XHTML or HTML5 document. In other words, you can directly
open that file with your browser and see your equation rendered.
The difference between 'Stand alone equation' and 'Inline equation' is that an inline equation is inserted into the text flow, while a stand alone equation occupies its own row.
Choosing 'Use Unicode values' makes Firemath exchange entites by the corresponding unicode values. For instance, expression 'α' becomes 'α'.
The difference between 'Stand alone equation' and 'Inline equation' is that an inline equation is inserted into the text flow, while a stand alone equation occupies its own row.
Choosing 'Use Unicode values' makes Firemath exchange entites by the corresponding unicode values. For instance, expression 'α' becomes 'α'.
Third-party software
Can I use my equations in Microsoft Office 2007?
This is not that we recommend proprietary programs, but you can
at least partly. MS Office supports a subset of MathML. As long as your equations
are not too complex, you can import them as follows.
Within Firemath copy the MathML code to the clipboard as 'stand alone equation'. This can be pasted directly into your Word or Outlook documents. In Powerpoint one additional step is required. First select Insert→Object and choose 'Create new' 'Microsoft Office Word Document'. Finally, paste the MathML code into that object.
Within Firemath copy the MathML code to the clipboard as 'stand alone equation'. This can be pasted directly into your Word or Outlook documents. In Powerpoint one additional step is required. First select Insert→Object and choose 'Create new' 'Microsoft Office Word Document'. Finally, paste the MathML code into that object.
Your question is not answered here? See our discussion board.